BeYummy - Youth Program

Yoga is for every body.

Yoga benefits everybody, and for this reason it continues to gain a following. Sweetbay’s BeYummy (Youth united through meditation, mindfulness, and yoga) program welcomes new students to the practice of yoga. Having a body that is strong and flexible, a deeper awareness of our energy and understanding the movements of the mind: all bring benefits both visible and less tangible.

Today I want to focus on why I find it to be especially important for younger people. Yoga makes us strong, flexible, centered, balanced & more aware of that quiet voice inside of each of us. I tell the kids in BeYummy that this is the only thing that is un-changing about us. Whether you're 8, 12, 20, 40 or 55... that voice is going to be the same. As for the strength & centeredness, these can only be felt from the inside. In our yoga, it's "Wow! Look what my body can do!" I can stand on my head or hands, do dozens of sun salutations, learn a more complicated twist or backbend. Our studio has no mirrors. What does this feel like inside my body? How does my heart or mind respond when I feel strong & centered? Instagram likes & social media are no basis for identity & self-worth. We all know that. Yet for a girl or boy, teen or pre-teen, it's hard to distinguish between friends' opinions, consumer culture that doesn't want us to believe we're enough (how can they sell us anything if we did?), & their own voice - a voice whose heart & mind is still open, vulnerable & powerful. I wish I had found yoga when I was younger. Questions rose that I didn't find healthy, stable answers for. Yoga has given me that. Curiosity, purpose, openness, humor, discipline, beauty & sheer fun: all of them now exist simultaneously in my practice, in my life. I'm passionate about sharing my love for yoga with everyone I meet, and I am particularly devoted to sharing it with young people.


Laurel Goeke

Owner & Founder — Sweetbay Yoga & BeYummy