Instructors & Staff / Blandine Trouille

Blandine Trouille profile picture

Blandine Trouille


  • Sivananda certified

  • Long-time Iyengar practitioner (esp. Unity Woods)

  • Exposed to varied US yoga masters

  • Taught for a decade, or so, in varied yoga studios and fitness centers in Washington DC

  • MS in agricultural sciences, environmental law, international economics

  • Recently retired, and finding out what it might mean under current local circumstances

To share, suggesting on what to look for, and how.  As we go through such process, leave petty troubles on the threshold; delight in the observations of what our bodies have to say when spoken to; it is to listen and open venues to come home/Om, and feel its universality.

To elaborate on a friendship with my own nature inside-out, explore the winding path into the unknown.  To laugh as we gather, together, nourishing roots, opening petals.

Why I Practice

Why I Teach

Qualifications & Other